
Enhancing Quality of Life by Supporting Social and Cultural Connections

Welcome to the landing page for Journey Worker Productions!

Who am I, and what am I doing?

I am a retired public health practitioner, advocate and educator living with Parkinson's. Journey Worker Productions is a micro-entrepreneur* project. The project's purpose is to promote personal and public health. My particular interest is supporting home-based education for high school students and adults through a personal lending library and the friendly exploration of film and television.

My philosophy

Community and social participation can be enhanced by sharing resources such as books, CDs, DVDs locally and by communicating our responses to such resources more broadly. Given the tendency of those with chronic illnesses to become isolated, I would like to keep open the possibility of a continuing connection with community which is a prerequisite for better health.   

Contact details

If there are issues with this landing page or other aspects of the site, please email me at rick-dot-hayes | you know what goes here | linuxenlivens-dot-com.

Dr Rick Hayes at LinkedIn is where you can check out my profile and publications list. You'll discover the qualifications and experience that undergird my endeavours as a digital public health practitioner, advocate and educator.

Acknowledgement of Country

I want to pay my respects to the Elders, past and present, of the country upon which I have lived and travelled here in Australia. I rejoice in the rising generations.


The material on this site is copyrighted. I exert my rights as the author. Please note that the JWP logo is copyrighted artwork; the artist’s rights are also reserved.